Videos and Articles
"First Time" videos
9 wk old puppy - first time wearing the Field Guard
Pup carries ball while wearing OutFox Field Guard
Leila tries the OutFox Field Guard for the first time
Bailey and Chloe Outfox foxtails! – Rod Michaelson 3 great Videos! Dogs wearing and field testing the OutFox® Field Guard for the first time.
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Other OutFox videos:
How to put the Field Guard on your dog.
Treating while dog wears Field Guard (slow motion)
Outfox® Field Guard: How to Enjoy Summer Without the Fear of Foxtails – Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS
Protecting Your Dog Against Foxtails -Dr. Nancy Kay, DVM
Outfoxing Foxtails – Lisa Wogan for Bark online magazine
Protecting Dogs from Grass Seeds & Foxtails - Australian Dog Lover